Comment 72128

By HammerRenter (anonymous) | Posted December 11, 2011 at 18:56:46

I have rented for all my life. My parents were renters. My brother and I both rent. We had a very leftist upbringing you could say, and property is theft. I am quite sure that the person who has wrote this article has the best of intentions. Not a judgement on you or your particular rentals. The underlying problem is that you are no representative of landlords at large (though I do not have the testimony of your tennants either) who are abusive and neglective of their rental units and human beings who live in them. I find your article to be one that rather glossess over the real issues of landlord abuse and your comments about no pets is in violation of human rights. People, especially poor people, keep pets for the theraputic purposes and companionship. I do not wish to be hurtful in my comments, but until the city can expropriate slum properties and run them as social housing, this will continue.

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