Comment 71619

By Robert D (anonymous) | Posted November 25, 2011 at 13:25:06 in reply to Comment 71616

"Virtually guaranteed" is of course not the same as "guaranteed". I'm not confident that success out west will result in success in Hamilton. I'm not confident in the ability of the city or the ti-cats to capitalize on a new stadium and grey cup and actually make money (Heck, where are all the visiting tourists going to sleep overnight? Burlington? Toronto? We sure as heck don't have the rooms in Hamilton).

Also, speaking of financial risk, last time round the CITY lost $1.2 million, based on the information I could find. I don't know how or why the CITY lost money last time, but it implies to me that the CITY would be taking some financial risk on this time, as they did last time.

If the ti-cats are so certain they will make money, and the CITY will not lose money, why don't they put up a surety bond to cover any expenses the CITY will incur during the Grey Cup, that was the city is guaranteed to break even at very least.

As evidence that what works out west doesn't work in Hamilton, let's look at Light rail. We all know LRT works in Calgary, but of course it won't work here - ask anyone! So why would the Grey Cup be any different?

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