Comment 71531

By Detalumis (anonymous) | Posted November 22, 2011 at 13:55:12 in reply to Comment 71155

I think it's the chicken and the egg thingie. I grew up in Hamilton, live in Oakville, would move back to a nice loft condo if the downtown looked like it did in say 1980 but it doesn't and I can't see that it ever will at least in my lifetime. A succession of inept politicians that encouraged urban sprawl and essentially moved all the businesses from Jackson Square (which used to be one of the most high priced rental spaces in Canada) up to Limeridge, and then filled the downtown with the poor - you know how in Hamilton the poor are morally superior and all that good stuff - has basically destroyed what little chance the city has of creating any vibrancy in the core. If I go downtown, I have what - one nice store to shop at, Miller Shoes, and then the Farmer's Market c'est tout. You have a handful of stores along James Street but all I remember is what was there a generation ago, and sincerely, I am too depressed about that memory to want to move back.

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