Comment 71506

By kendall (registered) - website | Posted November 22, 2011 at 01:07:48

I fired off a condolence letter to OpenFile Chief Executive Officer Wilf Dinnick as follows, "I have to admit I am one of many who really didn’t know of your existence until it was too late. I’m not totally shocked that none of the traditional media gave your service any recognition, considering how scared of online news services they are. They may childishly discredit blogs and such as sights run by unprofessional and their content as unreliable. This in fact isn’t true, yours and many others offer another side of the truth that is missing from the mainstream sources. I hope your staff regroup and reconsider and give Hamilton another shot in the future." He replied quickly "We beat ourselves up, trying to save Hamilton. We think, of all cities, this should be working. Every other city is growing so fast. I also agree with your take on blogs, etc. However, I have to admit, if I was editing the Spec, at first blush, I would likely dismiss OpenFile. Too bad, too. We really are growing so fast and perhaps, when we come back, we will have more of a national brand that will help us next time around. We do plan to return but likely not for at least the next 6 months. When we do come back, I truly hope you will help make OpenFile the success it do deserves in that community." You shouldn't beat yourself up over the truth.

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