Comment 71152

By Manichean Mall (anonymous) | Posted November 08, 2011 at 14:39:02 in reply to Comment 71137

To my eyes, having strong verticals at the crux of the CBD would be more impactful, more inducative of density and vitality at the heart of it all. (Dream on, I know.) I'll concede that having some proud, signature three-storey buildings (eg James/Main's Landed Bank, Hamilton Club, Bank of Montreal) might be equally impactful. That's not what you find at King/James.

To my eyes, it's an underwhelming statement when you arrive at the crossroads of a city and find that you're looking at a convenience store in a squat, scabby three-storey, a dissolute city park(ing lot), a bank tower that essentially closes at 5 and a mall entrance that looks like a subway intake. Forgetting the northern neighbours, look across the street in any direction and you find neighbours who are much less bashful in their aspirations.

My eyes. Two cents.

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