Comment 71117

By -Hammer- (registered) | Posted November 08, 2011 at 03:13:45 in reply to Comment 71112

I think you just hurt your own point. These types of outlets tend to locate in low-income areas. The issue is that a successful core cannot be an exclusively low-income area. If it is, you can't attract development to make a successful business center/high density area which produces a larger net tax revenue for a city.

This forces your city to leverage taxes beyond that failing core to pay it's infrastructure and operating costs which in turn further adds to less development and thus employment and further degrades the available revenue a citizen has to work with.

Aesthetics are a much bigger deal then you give credit, especially for a potential new developer. A degree of gentrification is needed in a city core and more lower-income development needs to be mixed into the suburbs to compensate.

Comment edited by -Hammer- on 2011-11-08 03:28:51

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