Comment 71103

By MattM (registered) | Posted November 07, 2011 at 16:01:55

I don't see how taking buses out of Gore can be seen as a bad thing. The fact that people were there waiting for buses before was kind of fake. They wait for their buses and when those come, they take off. It gives the "effect" of people but they aren't actually using the park because it's there, they just have to wait for buses there. The negative effects of traffic, fumes and noise was not worth the fake population in the park, I think. I compare it to how the Lister Block was restored into 9-5 offices versus mixed-use. The building is full of people from 9am to 5pm, then it's dark during the nights and weekends. If it had been mixed use there would be people living and shopping there at all hours of the day, not just using it for work.

The Gore Park problem is further compounded by what Ryan pointed out. It's like gutting a building and then not restoring it. They didn't follow through with the important part of making it attractive to people who want to be there for a reason other than waiting for a bus.

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