Comment 71100

By KingAndJames (anonymous) | Posted November 07, 2011 at 14:06:09 in reply to Comment 71092

I disagree. While the Gore building may be a success in terms of getting more people living on that block, to date it has failed at attracting any new street-level retail.

While I'm dubious as to the overall net benefit of Delta Bingo, it's still an active use of the property, and I think that building still has a lot of potential and shouldn't be 'leveled'.

What we really need is incentives for owners of these properties to keep them clean and keep ALL levels occupied, not just the street-level retail. If you look up while walking east on King between James and John, you'll see that several properties are not leveraging the upper floors for any meaningful purpose. It shouldn't be cheaper and easier to leave things vacant. It's not that nobody wants to live in these buildings, it's that the owners aren't even TRYING to turn them into rentals. For an answer to this confusing phenomenon I'd start to look at how the property taxes are structured.

As for the South side of Gore Park, I'm not sure why you singled out Mahal in particular, but I'd consider it one of several bright spots on that block.

Leveling things indiscriminately is how downtown got to be such a mess in the first place. We can do better.

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