Comment 71073

By Undustrial (registered) - website | Posted November 06, 2011 at 21:45:11

I won't deny that the DNA has a bit of a 'reputation' as far as their incomes and worldviews go (tenants, towers etc). But having grown up in Durand, that is hardly reflective of the area in general. It's unbelievably diverse - one block from me, growing up, were mansions to the north and group homes to the south. I went to school with kids from every end of society - some had been in Canada two weeks or less when they started, others hailed from some of the largest houses I've ever been in. It was an incredible learning experience that's left its mark on everyone I grew up with.

In any case, other rumours I've heard suggest that Kirkendale is the strongest neighbourhood association in town, and "whatever they want, they get". It may not be as wealthy as come enclaves of Durand, but it's far more homogeneous.

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