Comment 70771

By PAPA (anonymous) | Posted October 22, 2011 at 12:22:16

you cant stop this this people wont stop doing what they want its just a matter of taking it when u want to stop coming on the internet to discuss this like you are some sort of concerned intellectuals of society who hold the answer to all the problems. you don't mind seeing an advertisement with a fat kid eating Mcdonalds or a naked chick with her camel toe in your face and when you were told that graffiti is bad since you are a child you look at it that way. Don't let the government treat you like dogs and run your city. the graffiti artists painting walls are here to take it back, to show you all that chaos exists and the world isn't always what it seems, if you wanna be blind and follow the herd keep doing what you are told and like what you are told to. Giuliani ruined New York if you wish that to happen here too go ahead and vote for another idiot like Rob Ford so he can defecate all over our city with his plain ass walls and fat man desires. And do ahead and delete this INSULT if you want to but remember you cant keep erasing it always. we will be back.

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