Comment 70472

By Open your Eyes Please, before we do in a (anonymous) | Posted October 12, 2011 at 09:51:03

How many kids have to be taken from the steps of our schools and never seen alive again to demand public accountability?

How many kids have to commit suicide rather then face school yard bullies before we open our eyes?

How many Politicians like the Premiere have to cover the backs of the Ontario College of Teachers before they close down this terrible excuse for Professionalism?

Ever wonder why they have to keep replacing all the College employees?

Ever wonder why the Teacher Unions tell the teachers who to vote for and less then 4% of teachers vote, they are not stupid or are they?

How much money has to be stolen from school boards like the $835,000 in London before some school board over paid administrator is fired for allowing the thefts to go on for years?

"Why has this all taken so long to come to light?" Because at least one pornographers and who else knows determines what is professional, not what is right for kids but what is considered professional....

Can you name one teacher in this province who has her or his door open to a child that has been abused by a teacher? If teachers believe that some how being a teacher is above stupidity, gross ignorance, and sexual abuse, we have lost sight of the real world.

Some teachers do live by a code of Honour.

For the few teacher who:
- take weapons form distraught children,
- listen to abused children and are forced to use Crime Stoppers rather then School Administrators to report the filth,
- give up their jobs to protect children from school administrators who prefer to hide the sexual abuse of children......

The Ontario College of Teachers was set up to do nothing more then Public Relations hence their magazine is called "Professional Speaking."

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