Comment 70353

By RenaissanceWatcher (registered) | Posted October 06, 2011 at 00:07:58

The Times Higher Education World University Rankings for 2011-2012 were released today and McMaster University is ranked number 65 in the world this year, up from number 93 last year:

McMaster University, with approximately 7,800 employees, 26,500 full-time students and several thousand part-time students, is the largest homegrown Hamilton institution and/or business with international acclaim and drawing power. Unlike some multinational corporations such as Siemens which have recently chosen to vacate our city, McMaster University has been a local entity since 1930 and will be here in Hamilton for the long run.

My view is that the mayor and city council should be making a hard pitch now to the provincial government for priority funding for the first leg of the B-Line LRT connecting McMaster University with downtown Hamilton to set the table for mutual future economic and social growth. If the mayor demonstrates any reluctance to make this a priority, then council, as it felt compelled to do with its motion last week, should continue take the lead on the LRT file.

Comment edited by RenaissanceWatcher on 2011-10-06 00:10:14

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