Comment 70280

By moylek (registered) - website | Posted October 03, 2011 at 08:27:12 in reply to Comment 70268

The wife in question writes ...

My issue with cycling is not the exercise, it's personal safety - particularly getting down the escarpment with no bike lanes.

Speaking as a quotidian cyclist who thinks lots of people could and should cycle lots and lots more often ... I have to agree with this. I cycle regularly from Westdale to downtown, Dundas and Burlington as I go about my daily business. But I basically never go up the mountain on my bike for this very reason - not to mention the muck of sweat I'd be in at the top of the hill.

I do need to go up the mountain once a week or so - Mohawk College or one of the music shops, most commonly - but I always drive.

If we had one of those bike lifts which Bob Innes mentions? Or maybe a resurrected incline railway at Dundurn or Chedoke? Together with a segregated bike lane to come down safely and with the feeling of safety? Well, most of my mountain errands would be done on bike.

And just think about all of the traffic between Mountain residents and McMaster, and between McMaster and Mohawk, and downtown and Mohawk ...

Maybe Bob Innes posted that video for fun, but honestly ... it could change the way the city works in a measurable way. It's going on my letter to Santa this year.

Comment edited by moylek on 2011-10-03 09:41:30

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