Comment 70241

By mystoneycreek (registered) - website | Posted October 01, 2011 at 07:31:00 in reply to Comment 70240

Can't this city build anything without it becoming a major political propoganda piece?


But I guess I'd want to ask 'What allows these endeavours to become major political propaganda pieces?'

What is it about the current landscape that tends to push things along this path?

I'm not being glib here.

I'm reading a book that's just enormous in its potential to shake things up, to really disturb and unsettle: 'That Used to Be Us' by Friedman and Mandelbaum. And putting the specifics of it aside, what's fundamental is the notion that if you want to change any situation, you need to genuinely and deeply acknowledge where you are and understand how you got there.

I'm not sure we've achieved the former, never mind the latter.

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