Comment 70216

By the real truth (anonymous) | Posted September 30, 2011 at 15:10:04

Yes transportation models do have tochange. We cannot continue on the path of endless roads and cars. However, there is one piece of information that people should be aware of

CETA: which means this trade agreement will drastically reduce our local city council to plan anything, since foreign ownership and the privatization of transit, public utilities, the purchasing model, healthcare. City council will not be in charge of anything.

Many jobs will be gone, putting our community at further decline, since people will not have work and given the current situation of very ,imited amount of jobs, more people will fall into dire poverty.

What should people believe in anymore? If you ask me, we were sold out a long time ago, we are now in the final process of complete corporate domination. 1984 anyone!

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