Comment 70213

By Bobby1 (anonymous) | Posted September 30, 2011 at 14:44:34

Ryan, thought your comments regarding my post were intelligent,thoughtful and responded in a manner appropiate for two people that had opposing views and that what makes debate about issues great on RTH. The exeption was your tag about "debating trolls", "choose healthy discussion instead"? I'm always amazed by that comment from people who don't like opinions from those that don't agree with yours!You of course don't need to agree with my comments but out of the courtesy, I always give others,their opinion is always important, though maybe not one I agree with! That may be why projects like LRT don't go forward because people like yourself never want to consider an opposing opinion! You won't agree,but your post was appropiate except for your all know,no one else can ever have a point of view comment,other than being written off as a troll! FYI,I'm a Hamilton taxpayer as well,care about my City, but also have views that may be different than you on some issues!

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