Comment 7005

By seancb (registered) - website | Posted June 18, 2007 at 08:31:37

No matter which way you turn it, this is great news. Obviously, if it all goes ahead as planned, it would be an amazing step forward for this region. But even if it's all just a big "promise to be broken", it's still not BAD news. At a minimum it shows that this is what the public wants. And it shows that the government knows it. And -- most importantly -- now that it's been put out there, whoever scraps it is going to be in some serious trouble with the voters.

I have already read some grumblings in other provinces about how the federal government should not be funding any of this. Attention Canada: this is good for everyone who lives on this planet. This could set the example for the rest of Canada's major cities. Rather than fight it because it's happening too far away from you, you should be encouraging your own locals to be coming up with similar plans and hitting up the feds for your own piece of the green pie.

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