Comment 69665

By drb (registered) - website | Posted September 15, 2011 at 11:33:12 in reply to Comment 69658

Don't get me wrong. I support the Town Hall Meeting model. I have been lucky enough to have a councillor who uses them in a number of ways (informational, community input on policy, local conflict resolution, visioning.) I have attended many of these meetings and found them valuable. My issue with your article is not the concept of the meetings, but rather the examples you chose (GIC and NEN), the issues they were dealing with, and that you didn't really illuminate how Town Hall meetings would make the yawning gap between coucil (policy makers), City Staff (policy enacters, and lately policy makers) and the community any closer.

My criticisms are more about the lack of clarity in your writing than about your passion for changing this city. Believe me. I have been trying to affect change in my own little way for a long time.

PS: Don't laugh at my cynicism, it's hard won, and in no way is it malaise. I won't quit this town.

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