Comment 69637

By drb (registered) - website | Posted September 14, 2011 at 18:42:54

Please excuse me if I have completely misunderstood your experience and the resulting article, but it seems like you went into the GIC meeting and the NEN meeting with and agenda and a solution and learned little from what people were saying. If we (citizens and councillors) have an information problem that is affecting the ability of our elected officials to enact long standing plans, then it means someone is changing the plan behind the scenes. If council is not aware of changes (until some late Friday e-mail or the next meeting) and citizens don't know how they came about, how is a town hall meeting going to change that? Will the person responsible (staffer, manager, mayor) for the new policy actually attend the meeting? The city consults the public throughout planning processes and then seems to have no problem tossing out the public input and creating policy ad hoc.

I'm not sure if this article is vague or just naive.

I am not intending to be glib or insulting with this comment. It's just that I have been at sea with the byzantine leadership of late and this article has shed no real light on the informational structure or how a meeting will solve it.

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