Comment 69561

By bob lee (anonymous) | Posted September 13, 2011 at 15:02:20 in reply to Comment 69550

ok, well I just read Shaker's piece which filled in a lot of these gaps - to anyone for whom this article makes no sense, read that one first!

I can foresee the worst happening here as well just as you and the NEN do. But on the other hand this change is in no way a diversion from Setting Sail. That plan made much of the Barton Tiffany lands commercial, especially along Barton, and envisioned a zoning change to allow this. That could be the entire explanation for this change. Despite what others said in the Shaker article comments about the government's disdain for planning, the OMB is not going anywhere, and any big box development would be a sure loser. Plus I can't see a Wal-Mart being interested in the spot, for similar reasons as the Ti-Cats.

The key thing now is to maintain pressure on council to follow that plan. There is nothing in there about a sports field or stadium, that was all dreamt up last minute and never fit. It should be mixed use, condos and stores. There are enough parks in the neighbourhood. The city now owns the land and has locked Setting Sail in a criminal amount of red tape, which pain White Star has felt. We should pay the costs of remediation, zone it by the official plan, sell off the land, and let the market take over.

What we should not do is put our feet down singlemindedly for moving Brian Timmis or maintaining residential zoning out.

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