Comment 69516

By Wagdog (anonymous) | Posted September 13, 2011 at 05:56:29 in reply to Comment 68727

Oh come on now, let's not pretend there is anything inherently Canadian about watching a bunch of American players who can't get into the NFL play with slightly different rules. Or pretend that viewership of the Grey Cup on TV has any relevance to the topic at hand. The letter writer is correct in stating that it's actually a very small minority of people who support this business financially through ticket sales. And just because "most-if-not-all Canadians would disagree with the notion that the Vancouver Olympics were a waste of money" doesn't mean they weren't actually a colossal waste of money.

Pan Am was a mistake. Not just for Hamilton but for the province as a whole. We could take the same money and make investments in cities that have a quantifiable return, rather than sinking money into failing private sports teams on a weak notion that we're doing something to protect our nebulous Canadian identity in doing so.

A bored tech millionaire's mid-life crisis ended up costing our city dearly in time, money and wasted energy. If we're truly interested in City building, we should have put the same amount of time and resources into mitigating the findings of Code Red, rather than getting our dicks hard over another carrot-on-a-stick silver bullet "THIS IS GOING TO FIX HAMILTON" kind of project. Every Hamiltonian should know better by now!

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