Comment 69466

By HartLang (anonymous) | Posted September 12, 2011 at 14:33:58

I find Councillor Clark's stance difficult to swallow, considering that, at the July 5th Planning & Ecdev meeting, Clark and Councillor Collins sparked this entire heated LRT debate over their less than complimentary trashing of the land use planning work that is happening concurrently with the LRT studies. If memory serves, it was the two gentlemen in question who started the entire debate by claiming "I don't recall a Council decision to name LRT our top priority." Now, Mr. Clark is saying almost the exact opposite and sounds eerily supportive of LRT (Chances are, if we were to get him behind closed doors, he'd tell us on the q-t that he'd really like to deep-six LRT now.)

I really can't keep track of the on-again, off-again support/opposition to LRT. And you can bet your bottom dollar that the premier is only telling us what he's been told to say---that yes, Hamilton will get all-day, two-way GO rail service. The million dollar question is "exactly, when?"

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