Comment 69431

By lawrence (registered) - website | Posted September 12, 2011 at 11:17:08 in reply to Comment 69417

Stadium tab on NEN

As for WaytogoSheri, it's one thing to have a stadium grandfathered into a neighborhood, but would you want one plopped in yours? It's something some didn't want and they fought for it as they should big box.

We should be zoning all of downtown not Big Box. I can't believe they are looking at Innovation Park as well. It's bad enough we are allowing this at Centre Mall and likely a Walmart plopped at the end of Ottawa Street. It's disgusting. 5 is already too many but now we are looking at one in Winona and one at The Centre and what 2 more downtown (Barton-Tiffany and Innovation Park perhaps?

Forget individual petitions for specific Walmart locations - we need a blanket one to not allow any more within at least, the downtown spanning from say 403 to Centennial or beyond. Let's include West Hamilton and Dundas in there too.

I wish I could come by to show my support tomorrow but you have my support either way NEN.

Everyone is so quick to blame Bob Young for all this mess but now you are seeing this twist and turn and talks of re-zoning these lands and speculated interest from Smart Centres. Doesn't this stink beyond the Tiger-Cats for others as well?

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