Comment 69182

By Alon Levy (anonymous) | Posted September 07, 2011 at 14:13:27 in reply to Comment 69143

Well, it's true that US and UK costs are much higher than Continental costs. But Canadian costs are a somewhat different species. Toronto costs are pretty high, though not as high as US/UK costs. I think but don't know that the same is true of Montreal. Vancouver and Calgary generally have more reasonable costs.

Sometimes the costs include things other than actually building the rail, you're right, and it's exceptionally hard to get a completely apples-to-apples figure.

For what it's worth, the Nice numbers above exclude the 30% of the tramway's budget that went to streetscape improvements rather than to the tramway itself and required infrastructure. In the range of French costs you've found from Wikipedia (which annoyingly excludes lower-cost Lyon) the Nice numbers are more or less in line with the figure I'm invoking, coming ultimately from Railway Technology, so I imagine this is true of all French costs in question.

I'm pretty sure the low Calgary cost exclude streetscape projects, too - Calgary Transit prided itself in building minimalistic infrastructure to save money. I don't know if they still are doing it with the West LRT; presumably they are.

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