Comment 69143

By kevlahan (registered) | Posted September 07, 2011 at 02:50:26 in reply to Comment 69127

Thanks very much for clarifying, Aron.

I agree that there is much more difference between the costs of different projects in the same country than between different countries. The comment I was replying to claimed that US and UK costs were much higher than continental European costs.

One of the main reasons for the wide spread of costs of LRT projects in France is how big the project is (does it involve extensive re-building of infrastructure along the line, or new technology such as APSL, alimentation par le sol as in Bordeaux) and what is actually included in the cost.

This is an issue in Hamilton where the definition of 'direct costs' is not clear. Staff has assumed that if infrastructure, such as sewers, would have to be replaced within 10 years or so this is not included, but otherwise such infrastructure upgrade is a direct cost.

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