Comment 69139

By ScreamingViking (registered) | Posted September 06, 2011 at 23:09:12 in reply to Comment 69069

Just a comment that costs for commercial buildings are not directly comparable to those of other kinds of infrastructure. So these differences may not apply.

One might consider whether there are other reasons for the cost difference related to what needs to be done to the road bed to support the new rail lines (and perhaps the Hamilton cost estimates include rebuilding more of the whole roadway cross-section? just a thought).

There is also the issue of demand driving up the price - we live in a high-activity construction region simply because of the rapid growth of the Golden Horseshoe. I don't know what Grenoble is like, but I can understand how The Big Move may affect an already booming construction market in the GTHA.

I'm a firm believer though that the best course of action is to build a plain but very functional system; save the bells and whistles and put the focus of the investment in the moving people aspect of it. Calgary followed that philosophy and it's worked well for them.

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