Comment 69135

By ScreamingViking (registered) | Posted September 06, 2011 at 22:34:46 in reply to Comment 69045

To be honest, I haven't thought of many. But they're definitely worth thinking about and discussing as a community.

A few ideas... What about Shakespeare in the Stadium (and I'm not talking about Stevie Baggs). Can be small, big, whatever the demand is. It works in High Park in Toronto, why not in a place that has seats?

What about a festival for Hamilton's Asian community? Dance, food, history, culture. For that matter what about some of our European communities that remain a strong component of the city's population?

A sports and fitness themed festival, aimed primarily at kids but for their parents too. Invite popular players from the major sports leagues and Canadian Olympic standouts. Share the history of sport in our country.

A film festival - set up some big screens in the stadium, find a way to keep the soundtracks from drowning each other out, or just use the big screen to show one film at a time and put exhibits and stuff outside in the plaza area and surrounding lots.

Stair-climb for charity - get people to sign up for different time slots over a weekend to use the stairways to generate donations, maybe get corporate support and have some celebrities involved too. Charity marathons and walks have really taken off the past few years, the CN Tower has an event, why not the new stadium?

Just a few... I'll copy them over to your site too.

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