Comment 69109

By misterque (registered) - website | Posted September 06, 2011 at 16:01:06

Of that list I would live in Hamilton, Waterloo, maybe Oakville. Would never consider living in Burlington or Mississauga. This raises an interesting point. I want to live in a city. I don't feel that Hamilton enjoys the benefits of a big city, but it suffers many of the problems. When cynicism (or pragmatism) grips me I comment that Hamilton has "small town drawbacks with big city problems."

Hamilton's big city problems are real. Poverty, pollution, infrastructure issues, high property taxes, byzantine business bureaucracy, street treated mental health, bank abandonment, random property crime and murder.

So why does Hamilton still suffer small town drawbacks like no real movie choices, limited theatre experience, tiny arts community, paucity of venues, absence of cafes, everything closed by 9pm, etc?

I do believe it is our own fault. I think that we are quite average in Hamilton and happy with that. Our aristocracy is well below average. Our media is too overworked, too afraid or too bought to bring us to task for our shortcomings as a community. And when they do it is often the small and defenseless that are skewered. We yell that something is a success when really it is a failure. Our lame and ineffective enjoy comfortable adulation. This lack of critical assessment keeps us living in a small town. Yet we enjoy none of the benefits of a small town.

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