Comment 69106

By mystoneycreek (registered) - website | Posted September 06, 2011 at 15:13:13 in reply to Comment 69084

It's easy to claim that "people aren't going to stop driving any time soon", but when you look at the effects of high gas prices and recessions over the last few years, it's beginning to look as if this will happen whether or not we build trains and bike lanes to replace them.

Fair enough.

But would you 'expect' Mohawk to shrug and say 'Don't sweat the parking...which has always been an issue for us...we'll just assume some magical urban transit solution will make up the difference.'?

People in they 'City Staff' or Councillors...they don't do their projecting according to anything other than what they can see in front of them. (More or less.) So what you're much the same way as Hollywood studio execs fifty years ago could never have been capable of envisioning how differently their revenue pie would look about beyond their ken.

Which is why nothing is being planned to take into account what peak oil, etc proposes.

Which is why Mohawk wants their parking lot replaced.

: )

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