Comment 6883

By dangerb (anonymous) | Posted June 08, 2007 at 12:00:42

We're in full agreement with the facts surrounding federal funding and the tax increase. What I find egregious is that the province can not account for, nor prove that the revenues collected under the health 'premium' are being applied to the CHT/CHST federal shortfall. As we saw under the Conservatives, it was apparently possible to hide a large deficit behind the general accounting of the province. Keeping that in mind, monies collected for a specific purpose need to be earmarked and segregated at source if constituents have any expectation to see them through to the required purpose. In my opinion the only logical reason to do otherwise (as has been the case in directing OHP payments to general revenue) is to obscure the process and allow the province latitude to report on its budget in, shall we say.. 'a favorable light'.

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