Comment 68670

By Borrelli (registered) | Posted August 30, 2011 at 12:35:50 in reply to Comment 68662

Won't argue with you on the negative loop, Mr. SC, but these past 12mos have not been ones to instill hope in people's hearts...

But you're right, the old thinking is what created this lamentable state of affairs, so sucks to defeatist thinking.

It's not that I think getting people together to talk civics can't accomplish anything, only that talking is merely the social infrastructure for action: birds of a feather organize and act together.

More ways to engage with one another can't hurt, but the end-point still has to be positive action. Everyone wants to change the world, right?

But there are only so many hours in a day, and eventually you get to a point in a community where individuals among that small group of engaged citizens are already over-committed to various, seemingly similar projects (Fred Street, thanks for reminding me of the Civic League meeting I missed--d'oh!).

So what's the plan to turn talk into action? Is there a way to assuage the feelings of skeptics who might wonder about the likelihood of the talking and organizing actually manifesting itself into change?

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