Comment 6837

By DredWolf (anonymous) | Posted June 03, 2007 at 16:06:54

Hi there. I'm very excited to hear that the city of Hamilton is opening a rapid transit office and that discussion is going on to bring possibly an LRT to Main St. Since the street is five lanes wide, one lane could be taken to widen the sidewalks to allow for patios with the fifth lane being used at intersections to allow cars to make left turns. The Clairemont Access road could be used to run an LRT to upper Hamilton along upper James to perhaps Limeridge mall (Clairemont would be good since it has a gradual climb and no tight bends like the Jolly Cut). One LRV vehicle worth considering is the Bombardier Flexity being used in Brussels, Belgum (which the TTC is considering to use to replace its aging CLRV fleet). I also strongly feel that should Hamilton bring back streetcars, the city should acquire and restore one of the Rockwood Streetcar Museum's original HSR streetcars (which would be wonderful to use for any special ceremonies including the opening ceremony of Hamilton's LRT system).

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