Comment 68068

By rednic (registered) | Posted August 16, 2011 at 16:25:18

I just checked the spec ... stop work order from ministry of Environment -Too Much Dust.

Well heres the kicker! Wasn't a reason given for the non suitability of residential conversion the presence of asbestos.
So (and im not going down to check it out ) half the block has been contaminated. May be even city hall if the wind is blowing right.

This story is so connected to Matt's tale of catherine st. 'Developers' with no concern as to what is around there properties and absolutly no respect for the people&city of hamilton. Vranich my have bitten off more than he can chew on with this one. Someone will have to pay for the clean up. Wafting asbestos through Hess and city hall ..

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