Comment 68017

By Mr. Meister (anonymous) | Posted August 15, 2011 at 00:44:40 in reply to Comment 68000

Police, in uniform break into his house no doubt screaming at him to get down or put his hands up or some such. He does not, he physically resists the police. He got hurt. I feel bad for him, I sure would not want the police breaking down my front door screaming and yelling as they do. Terrifying, at least for me. I would lay down, probably wet myself and lay there. A few minutes later once the police have figured out how wrong they were and busted into the wrong house there would be a flurry of apologies. I would get dry underwear. A little while later there would be a meeting with their lawyer. A while after that they would mail me a nice little cheque. (and probably a get out of jail free card with the local police) Surely not a pleasant experience, but one that has likely played out many times in the past. Bad information, a typographical error, or maybe the police just screwed up and broke into the wrong house. It happens. There are procedures in place to deal with these mistakes, should not happen but it does. There is no way in the world that getting into a fight with the assault team is going to solve the problem, that will just get you hurt.

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