Comment 67990

By Cityjoe (anonymous) | Posted August 14, 2011 at 02:06:36 in reply to Comment 67342

It's not a 'notion' that's holding Hamilton back. It's the Power Behind the Notion.

We have a group of elected people who only want to advocate for their little corner of the GHA. They don't see the City as a whole. They want to get re-elected on the basis of what they do for that little corner, & they probably will.

One good example is Public Transit in the GHA. At one time different people owned the transit in their own area. Not much attention was paid to how or if it connected with other buses from other areas. It wasn't their business to connect effectively with "other" transit systems. Today, it's pretty much the same. Beyond the Main & King bus lines, it's not working. IMHO, this is why LRT is getting such a rough ride. People outside of Downtown don't/won't/can't see it as benefiting Them.

Archaic bylaws..that we need to study for years to change-? Why? Is it because the harder we make it for people to open a business Downtown, the more business will likely head to the Outside of the GHA, so the need for LRT or anything else pertaining to Downtown is of little or no value?

I think that's the game plan. If that happens, we really will Suck!

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