Comment 67972

By Mr. Meister (anonymous) | Posted August 13, 2011 at 07:17:38 in reply to Comment 67929

No absolutely not. You are a criminal as soon as you break the law. Your comment demonstrates what is so wrong with our society. I am not a criminal if "they" cannot prove it. The whole attitude of if I do not get caught then it does not matter. Please learn the difference between criminal and convict. Weather or not you are caught, charged, fined or imprisoned is a legal issue. The police's job when you break the law and become a criminal is to catch, detain and charge you. If you are found guilty then you become a convict. Capone was a criminal of a much larger magnitude then simple tax evasion even though that is the only thing he was ever convicted of.

So I stand by my comment when you become a criminal you are no longer one of us. Their job is now to catch, detain and charge you. The police work for us.

The comment about how my friend would have felt had her brother been shot was directly based on her comments to me, I guess you had to be there.

Indeed in your farfetched scenario if she had been a minor and it was her father and not her brother she might have been damaged economically. But just as likely would be her father was repeatedly abusing her and never held a job in his life in which case she might be better off with him dead.

The police departments screw up may cost the city 2.5 million but not likely. It will cost the city some money and that is a bad thing. The officers in the raid thought that they were dealing with drug dealers and not an innocent. On the other hand had he simply laid down and not resisted he would have been spared a lot of pain, and would still have collected a nice little cheque from the police for wrongly raiding his place.

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