Comment 67876

By Cityjoe (anonymous) | Posted August 11, 2011 at 15:28:31 in reply to Comment 67875

Have no critics of LRT ever seen a trolley car, a street car or an actual LRT train?
If a bus is stuck in traffic, it's stuck in traffic. Given the number of One Way streets in Hamilton, it could take it along time to re-route. Even if it did, what then? If Main St. is jammed from Mac. to Emerald St., the bus might as well stay stuck, because it can't pick up or drop off any passengers on Main St.
Since LRT is not sharing the roads with cars & commercial vehicles, it won't likely be involved in traffic jams, unless the accident happens right on the tracks.
How many people have been shocked by wires on a trolley or street car? Unless an ice storm brings actual overhead wires down to street level..Never.

Yes the connecting wires can slip off, but since the street car is on it's own grid, why would people cross a street behind a street car? Pretty unsafe! It doesn't take long to hook them back up.

People do get hit by street cars. Yes in some unusual situations like wet snow, ice, heavy rain or wet leaves on the tracks, it can happen. But how many people get killed every day in their cars Commuting? LRT tracks are maintained just like any other railway.

I can't hear most radio stations @ King & Dundurn & near the radio hub, (Main west of Mac)without LRT interfering. You can pass a street car without car radio interference. You can live next to a street car lines without it effecting your electronics at home.

I took street cars for at least part of my journey to work, the movies, the library & the subway nearly every day of my life for many years. I lived across from the shared line for King, Roncesvalles, & Queen car routes for years. I think your worries are for the most part unfounded.

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