Comment 67872

By Cityjoe (anonymous) | Posted August 11, 2011 at 14:35:00

The trouble with closed societies, like the Police,Governments, federal intelligence agencies, doctors, & (dare I say it?) the Catholic Church(in this reference) or Churches in general etc. is that they become more "Us vs them" every day. They are resistance & annoyed by any kind of scrutiny from 'them'. They find themselves worthy of being absolved of any blame, & beyond reproach, because 'the end Always justifies the means'. Any who questions their motives become the Enemy, even if their motives are completely honest. Secrecy rules the day. (As Mr. M. alluded to.) Closing ranks happens in all closed societies, because those 'outsiders don't know what it means to a _______________..(fill in the blank)

Police, Governments, federal intelligence agencies, the medical profession, & churches are all necessary. (They must be, or we wouldn't have them.) But in saying that, "Our cause is just & selfless." doesn't mean it's above the Laws of the Land, or even basic standards of integrity.
It's a slippery slope from being Indispensable & Beyond Reproach, to Out of Control.

It's in the best interests of society as a whole to have checks, balances & scrutiny of the Indispensable People & the groups that they belong to. We can't hold them to lower standards than the rest of society, & we cannot absolve them of crimes that would get a private citizen arrested.

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