Comment 67856

By Capitalist (anonymous) | Posted August 11, 2011 at 11:14:19

Government spending in the UK is currently running at about 47% of national output. Cameron wants to bring it down to about 40% (which is a bit higher than Canada I think). I would hardly call government spending of 40% of output austerity.

The UK has one of the highest stadards of living in the world and good social supports. If people don't like living in the UK perhaps they should consider moving to a middle eastern country or a sud-sahara nation in Africa and they can find out how crappy most people in the world live. Most people in the world would kill to live in the UK with all its welfare benefits.

The people rioting are nothing but spoiled bums.

As for the 29 year old father, maybe if he hadn't engaged in the risky business of drug dealing he would still be alive. Buy you convieniently leave that out of your article.

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