Comment 67788

By littleLRTmouse (anonymous) | Posted August 10, 2011 at 10:28:51

I do not know Mr. Bratina and all likelyhood I will never vote for him or against him (I am sitting in T.O.). I feel sorry for him,though. I see "things" somewhat differently. There are about 25 transport enterprises in USA.,that call themselves LRT,whether that is true designation or not. Then there are about 140 of those all over the world. How many of these enterprises have been visited/analyzed by Mayor's staff? Probably very few. Same argument can be made against or for BIA. How much do you know about METROLINK (Manchester/UK)? For example - Salt Lake City (UT/USA) has large in-place transfer zone and no-payment zone. These zones encourage citizens to use their LRT. How many such zones exist and what is their impact? - I have had an oppotunity to see recently real pictures from Wroclaw,den Hague,Utrecht,Vienna plus videos from Zurich and Liberec - one can see incredible diversity of mass-street-traffic and it is therefore not surprising that Mr. Bratina endlessly contradicts himself. Through all those enterprises,however,some common principles apply and Mayor's staff should concentrate on them rather than only on BIA point of view.

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