Comment 67739

By Support (anonymous) | Posted August 09, 2011 at 17:10:21

I'm beginning to see the pattern behind the Mayor's actions. He is a man without a support structure to help keep him on track and stay focused. The Mayor's job is time consuming and he can't expect to be on top of every file all the time. That's what his staff are for. They need to be plugged into all the major issues so that when he is deciding whether to "push" for an issue or not, he knows all the ins and outs, and the pulse of the community. His comments in the media demonstrate that he is going into situations without a thorough knowledge of the facts and he comes off as ill-informed. This is the responsibility of his staff and they should not be sending him out to do off-the-cuff interviews. He can't rely on the City Manager as Murray's job and role as head of the public service is totally separate from the political role of the Mayor and, sometimes, their interests don't line up. The more he gets attacks from members of the community, the more he is going to develop a siege mentality and be closed to people and ideas. This isn't in his interest, nor is it in anyone's interest who care about the future of the city.

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