Comment 67674

By Robert D (anonymous) | Posted August 08, 2011 at 17:35:42 in reply to Comment 67657

While I would agree trains are "sexier" I would wonder if it will be worth the extra time (15-20 minutes) in your commute? In my case the answer is no. 30-40 minutes a day really adds up.

Also, even if trains are "sexier" does the capacity coming to/from Hamilton justify the extension of rail service from a cost-benefit point of view? This is where I fear that to give us numbers that will justify rail, they'll get rid of the QEW Express bus service, forcing everyone onto the train.

I have this crazy hunch that the James North GO service won't become a priority until we have an expansion of service all the way to Niagara. On that I would point out that while they've recently completed their Environmental Assessment, there are no plans that I've seen that indicate they're implementing all day GO service to Niagara anytime soon.

Alternatively, maybe we'll see James North before the Pan-Am games...if government decides to throw some money our way for that.

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