Comment 67657

By mystoneycreek (registered) - website | Posted August 08, 2011 at 14:47:17 in reply to Comment 67653

What happens if the cost-benefit analysis says there's no benefit? Or is the mayor going to ask staff to be creative and find a benefit to justify his desire for all-day GO train service?


Nice one.

I do have to a reminder to myself, if for no other reason...that bus service is not 'seen' as the same as rail. (Unless you're in Britain, and we're talking buses vs LRT...because it's a whole different world there.)

Especially when you're looking at trying increase your catchment area to something outside 'anyone who's got to use public transit anyway'.

For die-hard transit boosters, this might be snobbism...but buses suck.


I've travelled on them all my life. Locally. To NYC and around the US and Canada. In the UK. And aside from the British double-deckers...especially on the south coast from Brighton to Cuckmere...there's no comparison psychologically-wise.

So I do indeed get the importance of having all-day train service to Hamilton and Stoney Creek (Centennial Parkway). Even if I can't quite see how this is the magic bullet that Mayor Bratina and others seem attached to believing it is.

If we're going to be integrated with Niagara Falls and Toronto...and finally have a genuine 'Golden Horseshoe'...then we need this service.

But I wish we had leadership that was a) more forthright, b) less blasé, and c) can grasp why some things need to be handled in certain ways where the public is concerned. (Is it just me who sometimes sees our mayor as being afflicted with some kind of 'leadership Asberger's'?)

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