Comment 67653

By Robert D (anonymous) | Posted August 08, 2011 at 14:26:15

I think this is the most ridiculous response we've received yet from Bobbra.

It's not his job to push for funding? Squeaky wheel gets the grease, that's the first rule in politics. It is entirely the City's job to push for funding, not only for LRT, but for anything we need, and we do it all the time (social services, stadium, water treatment facility, etc.). It's not just about cost-benefits as far as the province is concerned. They regularly fund things that from a "dollars and cents" perspective don't make sense because enough people demand it.

What exactly is the city doing for all-day GO may I ask? I'd really like to know considering they have a half dozen staff (or such is my understanding). Are they going to have any open houses with citizens or do they not like the way citizens were engaged on LRT ("unprecedented" level of public engagement in Hamilton accoridng to Metrolinx).

I honestly want to know what the "All day GO-train" staff are doing. What is their first step? Maybe a cost-benefits analysis comparing all day GO train service to Hamilton versus the service we currently have? What happens if the cost-benefit analysis says there's no benefit? Or is the mayor going to ask staff to be creative and find a benefit to justify his desire for all-day GO train service?

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