Comment 67649

By rednic (registered) | Posted August 08, 2011 at 14:10:07

Regarding the Hamilton case there still seem a lot of questions that are unanswered question that would really shed some light on what went on.

How did the cops end in the wrong apartment ?

Was it bad intelligence ? (ie the warrant had the wrong unit number on it ) or was it bad Numeracy skills ? (ie they went to an apartment with a different Number)

Hopefully it was wrong information on the search warrant, it some how makes me feel a little safer!

When the subject officers were interviewed by the SIU did they use the same lawyer? ( they are allowed to do this). This in my eyes would expose the lawyer to corruption of justice charges if he counseled his client to 'forget'.

Where Police are coming from today was best exemplified by Rob (?) McCormack head of the toronto police association speaking about the police cuts .. first was officers safety, second was public safety ... Until the police are told (and shown) that THEY work for US, nothing is likely to change.

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