Comment 67597

By Mr. Meister (anonymous) | Posted August 07, 2011 at 09:06:57 in reply to Comment 67410

IF you are presently studying at a grad school in the U.S. then I assume that you need to live someplace in the U.S. Yet in your first post you led us to believe that you live here in Hamilton. Strange.

I live in Westdale and have many interactions with the students from Mac. From Labour Day weekend through the first 3 weeks of school I anticipate calling the police about those students behaviour in the neighbourhood of 20 to 30 times. That is not just me that goes for most of my neighbours as well. The university will pay for extra police officers to patrol our streets and minimize the damages that those students will do to our city. Every year it gets worse and worse. Mac students bring little positive influence to the city except for the bars they frequent.

Go ahead and threaten to leave, just do not expect the vast majority of people who live around the university to stop you. In fact if you need a little help, like booking a flight or need a map let us know we can help.

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