Comment 67533

By Cristi (anonymous) | Posted August 05, 2011 at 23:31:44 in reply to Comment 67530

Thanks for the additional info, Nicholas. I totally agree that making Hamilton a more pedestrian-friendly, walkable place would benefit all of our citizens. The benefits of regular exercise and an active lifestyle are apparent. But the goal (and I'm sure you will agree) should be healthy citizens, not just people who "look" healthy. (i.e. thin) Many of those slim Vancouverites you observed may have been addicted to drugs or alcohol, or smokers, or working in high-stress jobs, or experiencing other risk factors for ill health. But you would never know it by looking at them. If we improve Hamilton's public transit and provide more opportunities for healthy lifestyles that include a lot of exercise, ALL Hamiltonians will benefit. Not just the fat ones.

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