Comment 67516

By Cristi (anonymous) | Posted August 05, 2011 at 17:14:02

Great photos, Nicholas, and I love to hear your thoughts, as always. But why is Vancouver considered a role model to Hamilton because there "far fewer obviously overweight and obese people"? If your point is that Vancouverites enjoy longer, healthier lives, with lower rates of cancer, heart disease, and strokes, and if you could back that up with some solid evidence, then that would be a great selling point. But just a casual observation that you didn't see many fat people (and treating that as an example of Vancouver's obvious superiority) is rather off-putting to me. I'm all for comparing the beauty of the natural environments and the architecture and infrastructure of the two cities, but when we start to assume that Vancouver is better because there are no fatties around, that's where you lose me.

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