Comment 67473

By Pxtl (registered) - website | Posted August 05, 2011 at 11:59:00 in reply to Comment 67466

Ghadaffi comparison is a borderline Godwinning of the discussion.

But either way, after going to a public meeting or two, I can totally understand the disdain for public discourse that occurs in our elected representatives.

In person, there is no downvote. In person, the only people who can afford to get there are either extremely passionate, or have a buttload of time on their hands.

And you know who are always extremely passionate and have lots of time on their hands? People with mental problems.

So, simply put, public offices (like any customer service job) involves spending a lot of time trying to be nice to crazy folks.

The sane folks are just one small voice in the din.

Deal with this enough times and you'll quickly develop the attitude that the public isn't worth consulting... even when it is.

Comment edited by Pxtl on 2011-08-05 11:59:58

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