Comment 67432

By mystoneycreek (registered) - website | Posted August 05, 2011 at 08:30:52

Here's what pro-LRTers are up against:

Here's their letter to the Dundas Star News:

What will light rail do that HSR doesn’t? Letters Aug 02, 2011

I can’t keep quiet any longer.

As a member of the silent majority, I cannot for the life of me understand why a few loud Hamilton voices think we want or can afford the LRT. What could it possibly provide us overtaxed citizens that the HSR does not already?

Estimates of $825 million before cost overruns will do what for the city? The roads and infrastructure need this money more than any LRT. Why not buy a fleet of 20 Rolls-Royce stretch limos for the route for what we would spend on feasibility studies alone? That will separate Hamilton from other cities and draw attention.

Funny how the minority voice held up the Red Hill expressway for more than 20 years and look at the traffic on it now.

Somehow the silent majority is taking full advantage of this long-delayed route.

Len Dezoete Hamilton

This is the general tone of so many people out least, those who have an opinion.

Counter-arguments need to be succinct and well-informed. We're battling ignorance.

(I don't have a problem with people not being on-board with LRT. But the above letter-writer does not, from my vantage point, have a qualified opinion. I read frustration and anger that has nothing to do with the issue, their contribution to the dialogue being fuelled by other stuff

P.S. I see that Mr. Dezoete's letter has been previously published in The Spec:

Comment edited by mystoneycreek on 2011-08-05 08:34:13

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